Discover Your Style

Reality Based, Non-Traditional Martial Arts

Training for Children, Youth, Teens, and Adults

Two Week Trial for $25

1st Lesson is FREE!!!

Decide for yourself if Kaizen is right for you.

What You Do Defines You

Some people want fancy uniforms and decorated black belts...

Others simply want to know how to fight and defend themselves.

UPDATE: I have recently retired from my 30 year career of teaching, and closed Kaizen. A new journey begins.
Welcome To


Kaizen Key Elements

  • High Energy, Motivating Classes
  • Safe, Fun, and Challenging Environment
  • No Tournaments, No Memorizing Forms
  • Non-Traditional, No McDojo Nonsense


  • Training for Kids, Teens, and Adults
  • Kids Develop Focus, Confidence, and Respect
  • Reality Based Tactical CQC Training
  • Striking, Grappling, Stick/Knife, Open Hand
  • CQC (Close Quarter Combat)


  • No Hidden Fees; Rates NEVER Increase
  • Practical, Effective, and Realistic Training
  • Develop Muscle Memory and Instinctive Skills
  • Training for Enthusiasts and Fighters

Kaizen Philosophy

The principle foundation of my studio is to develop truly effective fighting and self-defense skills based on Instinct, Concept Application, Muscle Memory, Adaptation, Improvisation, and Situational Awareness... Not by memorizing forms, breaking boards, or competing for trophies.

Here students learn to overcome challenges and fears; develop confidence, courage, and strength; and to fight for their success.

Training at Kaizen is non-traditional, practical, effective, and above all, safe. I've designed my curriculum to be age and skill appropriate, challenging, rewarding, and of course... fun.

I've taken a lifetime of training and experiences and forged them into a regiment which demands ambition, dedication, and commitment, however the end result is something far greater you'll ever get from any McDojo. I give all I have to offer, but it's only those who give their all will achieve any success in their training.

Kaizen is Not for Everyone

Teaching is my passion, not my occupation, and I am neither beggar nor babysitter.. The only students worthy of my time are those serious about their training, who are willing to push themselves as hard as they can, and who strive to achieve their fullest potential no matter how difficult the journey.

I demand the most from everyone whether they're a beginner, advanced practitioner, or seasoned fighter. Train your hardest, or go home. This may seem harsh, however, this is why people train with me rather than elsewhere.

This is not a studio for trophies, decorated black belts, and outdated ineffective traditions. There are no prizes just for showing up, and zero tolerance for laziness or excuses. Not everyone who joins will find success... Simply because they give up or never apply themselves.

I give my very best to those who want to learn. To those just seeking entertainment, belts, or high fives for mediocre effort, there are plenty of other places happy to take your money and give you all the praise you desire.

KAIZEN: Tactical CQC

CQC (Close Quarters Combat) is a tactical concept which involves a physical confrontation between several combatants within a short range from one another.

KAIZEN literally means "Continuous Improvement". It is with this mentality of training, I provide realistic, practical, and effective fighting and self-defense skills to children and adults, ranging from enthusiasts to serious fighters, law enforcement, and security personnel.

Nathan's Blog
WILDCATS (Ages 5-9)

Wildcats is a foundation program for young students to develop "Social Skills" along with providing a high energy, "focused-yet-fun" environment for kids.

YOUTH (Ages 10-14)

Youth students develop solid fighting and self-defense skills, in a motivating environment, while maintaining an atmosphere of respect and discipline. Separate classes are available for beginner, intermediate, and advanced students.

Adults (Ages 15 & Up)

Adult training is informal, intense, and focused entirely on ones ability to fight and defend oneself. No belts. No titles. No Fancy Poses. Just Fighting Skills.

My Name Is

Nathan Grey

Martial Arts Reedsburg Nathan Grey Kaizen

My ultimate passion has always been Martial Arts. I began studying when I was 12, and teaching when I was only 16. Throughout the course of several years, I trained in France and Tahiti, and experienced an entirely new method of training, one I have fully embraced and now provide to my students. The men who trained me elevated my understanding in combative arts to levels I could have never comprehended on my own. I have never in my life encountered their equal. I often describe them similarily to Morpheus teach Neo about the "Matrix"... They opened my eyes. Yes, I'm a film geek!

Martial Arts training is a part of who I am. It is how I define myself. Teaching others and sharing my knowledge and experience is my passion.

I'm committed to providing my unique method of training to those seeking expert quality martial arts instruction.

Kaizen Tactical Combatives Logo

I'm a Wisconsin native who's passionate about life and experiencing it's great many wonders.

Since early 2006, I've been an active volunteer and sponsor at Wisconsin Big Cat Rescue in Rock Springs. This has been one of the single most rewarding aspects of my life. I helped the rescue acquire their funding to be relocated, along with helping to actually build it. I bought their first four-wheeler, and have continued to volunteer as often and whenever possible to assist them. The owners are great friends and among the best people I know.

I'm excited to be a part of the Reedsburg and Mauston communities and to be near the big cats I've taken care of fo so long. I love this area with all of it's beautiful lakes, rivers, waterfalls, bluffs, rock formations, and rolling valleys.

You'll often find my out enjoying a campfire, Kayaking, Hiking, ATVing, or touring the roads on my motorcycle. Some other interests are drawing, mountain skiing, skydiving, and gaming.

I lived in New Orleans 4 years working in over 20 full feature films, commercials, and TV shows, as a stunt actor, body double, and stand-in. I also managed a fighters gym, then eventually opened my first studio.

I returned to Wisconsin after Hurricane Katrina and opened a new martial arts studio, which closed during the economic crash.

I returned south for another 5 years living in West Palm Beach working as a cinematographer, photographer, and personal martial arts trainer. My last production was as the "Director of Photography and Editor" for the Amazon Prime series "In Sanity, Florida", featuring Burt Reynolds.

The best way to describe my shooting style is "Cinematic". My goal is to evoke emotion and create exciting visuals for my clients.

I continue working as a professional Cinematographer and Photographer for my business "I Am Cinema". This also offsets the income needs for Kaizen, allowing me to reduce the number of students needed to "keep the lights on" and guarantee personal attention to everyone.

I Am Cinema

Believe it or not, I'm actually "a dog person" at heart, however I can't deny how great cats are too. Aside from working with Tigers and Lions, I also work with one of the largest domestic cat species in the world known as a "European Maine Coon". I have 3 of them in addition to my own rescue cats.

I co-own a business called "Natural Carnivore", which is a raw and natural pet food and supply store located in the front half of our Mauston location. It may seem weird at first to walk through a pet food store before stepping into the martial arts studio, but our store is unique and an experience to visit!

We also foster and socialize Maine Coon Kittens for a certified breeder (Dynasty Maine Coons) who is focused more on the quality of life for her cats, versus the quantity she sells. We provide them with an amazing home life and environment which far surpasses any expectations and standards of living for these amazing gentle giants. Students and families get the opportunity to play and interact with these kittens when they are at the studio. It's great socialization for the kittens, and a fun experience for kids learning how to care for an animal.

The ability to fight does not come from Rank, Style, or Title.

It comes from your own passion to train, aspire, overcome fear, and discover your way.

Only then, will you unleash your own Art of Combat.

Nathan Grey
Kaizen Owner/Trainer

I can show you how to box. I can teach you every technique and trick I know, but I can never make you a fighter. That comes from inside, and it's something no one else can ever give you.

Joe Louis
Professional Boxer

It may seem difficult at first...

But everything is difficult at first.

Miyamato Musashi
Legendary Samurai

It's the Journey which shapes us...

Not the Destination

I will teach you to fight... and have discussions on peace.
How do I reconcile the two?

It is better to be a Warrior in a Garden... Than a Gardener in a War.

Unknown Zen Quote
The Successful have failed more often than the Spectators have tried.

Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome! Find your strength!

Martial Arts Reedsburg Nathan Grey Kaizen
Serious Training; Serious Minds

This is no "McDojo". We are here to train, to develop true fighting and defensive skills. Laziness and excuses are not welcome here.

Quality Over Quantity

I will NEVER "sell out" or "water down" my training. I'd rather create a few highly trained students, than masses of black belts unable to defend themselves.

No Wasting Your Time

No fancy poses, no memorizing forms, no worthless titles, no tournaments, and no pretend self-defense based on a specific style.

Expert Instruction

I don't hide behind fancy titles or belt ranks... I simply train for me, and teach for you. I will pass on all I know, to those who train their hardest.

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