Rank, Status, and Title mean nothing. Let go of your ego.
Throughout my training, and because of my trainers in France and Tahiti, I have learned to evolve and discover my own fighting signature. This much like Alice discovering just how far the rabbit hole goes.
I’m not here to change your mind or fill you with ideas. If you train with me, then you already know what’s missing in your style, or at least realize something’s missing, and you are not satisfied… so now as a result you’re here with me.
People that train with me, they are not sheep, nor do I treat them like one. They don’t blindly follow the herd, and they recognize the concept and approach here is unique, and unlike anything they’ve seen elsewhere.
For my fighters, these are more than individuals with the courage to get in the ring and fight. They’re not just tough people willing to take a punch… they know that alone doesn’t make one a great fighter. Beyond “toughness”, there must be instinctive talent. Beyond martial arts… we discover our own signature style.
It’s the journey that shapes us… not the destination.
If you are like me, then you are searching for more. This is what led me to train under the fighters from France and Tahiti I’ve spent so many amazing years with. They changed everything for me, and I never saw martial arts the same way since then. Martial Arts training is an internal search, and through exhausting, intense, and consistent training, it is about discovery. Their method of training, discovery, evolution, and freedom combined with the lethality and artistry of their fighting system is beyond anything or anyone I’ve ever experienced or comprehended on my own, and I pass on their legacy as best as I can to anyone passionate and ambitious enough to learn.
I continue to train myself, simply because it is my passion. It’s in my veins to train. Over my lifetime, I have acquired a level of skill which I share with anyone serious and passionate about their training. If you are searching for more in your training, then I will share my time with you.
If you have a serious mind, and are willing to embrace serious training, I will help you to evolve and discover your signature fighting style, not memorize someone else’s.
To contact me, visit this link: KAIZEN